Ajijic Scrabble Club





Scrabble Trivia


E-mail contact




Some helpful resources:

  • National Scrabble Association (much info + tournament rules)

  • House Rules for the "tournament"-style group 

  • Score Sheet (Print a test copy to make sure your printer can handle the narrow margins.)

  • Important Words to Raise Your Score (best to print out double-sided or ask Dan for a copy)

  • 4-letter Words That Can Be Formed From 3-letter Words (best to print out double-sided or ask Dan for a copy)

  • zyzzyva.net has a free download of their program which helps you study words and practice your anagramming skills. It allows you to search for words, anagrams, and patterns. Download the "installer". It includes the OWL2 + LWL dictionary (with definitions) which is the the dictionary that we use at our games. The helpful little minidefinitions provided are similar to the ones in the red-cover Scrabble book, but they go up to 15 letters instead of just 8.

  • isc.ro is a large Internet Scrabble Club. You can join and play for free, but for $29 per year, you get additional benefits. Ron says "This site is awesome. Usually about four or five thousand playing at any given time - and in several languages."

If there is a resource that is helpful to you, let Dan know so that I can list it here.