Ajijic Scrabble Club



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Some Scrabble Trivia:

  • There are 101 valid 2-letter words in the 2nd edition of the NSA-sanctioned Official Word List.

  • There are 10 2-letter words with vowels only: AA, AE, AI, AY, OE, OI, OY, YA, YE, YO.

  • There are 3 2-letter words with consonants only: HM, MM, SH.

  • The most popular letter for forming 2-letter words is A with 27, O is next with 25, and E is the third most popular with 22.

  • Neither C nor V form any 2-letter words.

  • Hooking is what you're not supposed to do in ice hockey, but in Scrabble, it is the technique of adding one letter in front of or behind another word to score points both ways. The most common hooking letter, of course, is S. But there is one 2-letter word which is immune from hooking--XU. There are 3 2-letter which have only one possible hook--MY(C), QI(S), and XI(S). Other hard-to-hook 2-letter words: (O)HM(M); (H,U)MM; OF(F,T); (D,H)UH.

  • Of the 5 top point tiles (Q, Z, J, X, and K), only X has any single-letter front hooks (AX, EX, and OX).

  • There are 1015 valid 3-letter words in OWL2.

  • There are 6 3-letter words with vowels only: AYE, EAU, EYE, YAY, YEA, YOU.

  • There are 9 3-letter words with consonants only: BRR, CWM, HMM, NTH, PFT, PST, SHH, TSK, ZZZ.

  • The most popular letter for forming 3 letter words is A with 313, E is next with 255, and O is third most popular with 239.